Venue and Amenities
Players are requested to keep their assigned tents clean and neat and free from any garbage collected during the duration of the event.
Garbage bags and bins will be assigned to each tent and located around the entire venue.
Players must use the assigned bathrooms and locker rooms properly and in an orderly manner.
Cleaning and or washing of soiled clothing and footwear in the sinks of the bathrooms is strictly prohibited.
Showering or washing up with soap or shampoo in public spaces inside Club premises is strictly prohibited.
Players must stay within the designated playing areas and assigned player tents for the duration of the event.
Players may opt to go to other portions of the venue (lobby, tennis courts, pool, etc.) provided that they are in proper attire (no cleats and sleeveless jerseys or soiled garments) and must be accompanied by an ACCi Member or Dependent of Member.
The flying of drones must secure a permit from ACCi prior to the event.
Players with vehicles are requested to park in the designated parking areas and not double park along the roads of the Venue.
Player Attire and Demeanor
Players must always practice proper demeanor and manners while in the Venue.
Consumption of Alcohol by individuals under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited.
Smoking of Cigarettes will not be allowed in any part of the playing fields, player tents or the command center and must only be allowed in the designated smoking areas.
Nudity (partial or full) is strictly prohibited and may result in the player being removed from the Club and a corresponding fine.
The use of illegal substances in the venue at any point of the event is strictly prohibited and is punishable by law. All illegal activities and confiscated contraband will be reported and surrendered to the local authorities.